Late Wednesday night it started to rain and continued to rain all day Thursday. We had a window that started leaking water. Not bad, but a steady drip. Then by Thursday night the Aliner developed a major leak. Water was really coming in. We used towels to soak up the water over and over. The rain was not letting up.
Finally I told Carol to grab what she needed we were going to abandon the ship. We threw a few things in the Buick and headed to the nearest motel. Well, not the nearest. The nearest was the Pineapple Motel, I was not staying there. We found a Hampton Inn and spent the night. It was nice to have a king size bed, large screen TV with cable, private bathroom, cell phone service, wireless internet, etc. But the best thing was it was dry!
Today we went back to the campground and threw everything together, packed it up and came home. We will miss being with all of our friends but, I had enough. Of course they all came over today as we were leaving to harass us about leaving early and I don't blame them.

Now we have got to find and fix that leak.