Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Texas Trip 2019

This years Texas trip has come to a close.
We had a good time, but it's good to be home. At least for a couple weeks.

Spent 56 nights in the camper. 

We drove a total of 3919 miles
Average gasoline cost was $2.00 a gallon.
Average camping cost was $42.00 per night.

We already booked a month for next year at Gulf Waters RV so we will be going to Texas again.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Texas Trip 2019 Gulf Waters Resort part 2

We are on our third site here. They are all nice. 

Nice sunsets here, sunrises are probably nice too but I'm sleeping then.

We are enjoying walks and taking it easy. The weather most days has been cloudy, cool, foggy, etc. But its better than Fenton weather.