Sunday, April 22, 2018

DNA Results

Carol had her DNA checked and was surprised to find out they said she was only 18% Italian. She thought she was at least 50%.

So we decided to get my DNA checked and see what they said. The results were a surprise to us. So, Carol decided to have a DNA reveal party. We invited family over.

She put up a map of the world.

She had food from each region that I supposedly came from.

We also had music playing from each country.

Each person had to guess what the country was that the food represented and then what percentage of me was from that country.

Scoring wasn't easy and I'm not sure who the real winner was. The surprise was it said I was 38% Scandinavian. I always thought I was more Irish than the 11% they said. And the 2% from North Africa was a surprise. 

But, it was something fun to do and laugh about.

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